Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Green Sacque by Robert Henri

Mommy ~ Sloane
Relyn ~ Jeffrey
I have so many things to be thankful for today; every day.  I am thankful that God knows just what our heart needs.  I am thankful that just when this looked to be a sad, lonely birthday (parents in China, husband very sick...) He sent friends to fill in the gaps and make me feel so very loved.  I am thankful for thoughtful gifts, for books that make me cry, for lunch with friends, for excellent brownies baked by my ten year old, for a table set with china, candles, and cloth napkins, for an excellent dinner that my very sick husband insisted on cooking, for Facebook wishes, for birthday texts, for calls from my brother and SIL, for getting to hear my niece's sweet little voice, and an email from my parents first thing this morning.  Most of all, I am thankful for a Father who loves me. I am thankful that each year I look back and say, "It was a good year."  I do that every year.  Every single year.  Not because each year was easy.  Not because the road was always smooth.  But, because God walked beside me, because He held my hand, because His way is perfect, because I know that He gives good gifts to His children.  So, even when I look back at the last year - and my has it been hard - I can truly say, it has been a good year.  God is good ALL the time.  All the time, God is so good! ~ Relyn

Note: The above is a close up of one of my favorite paintings at the Nelson Atkins in Kansas City. I love it for many reasons, but mostly because it looks so much like my brother did when he was little.