Sunday, January 2, 2011

no picture today

I made a commitment this year to actually take and post a photo each day. I hope that by having out my camera each day, I will grow and learn as a photographer. Last year, I took pictures when I could and shared them here whenever it seemed to fit. Perhaps I grew some as a photographer, but not much. It's my hope that by imposing stricter discipline, I'll learn more quickly. I had great plans for this year, in fact. I was going to massively improve my photography and end the year with a real record of our day-to-day lives.

So here we are, day two - no picture. I'm not all that impressed with myself. SHEESH! I went yesterday straight from church to work and stayed at work over 12 hours. Not a camera in sight. Obviously, I am going to have to carry my camera with me everywhere.
It strikes me that I said "was" above. That's actually still my plan. Photo a day, for as many days as are possible. Grow as a photographer. Practice self-discipline, which is always worthwhile. Record of our days. Not a bad plan.

a good volleyball practice ~ Sloane
Sloane and Jeffrey came to see me at work and brought dinner. ~ Relyn
time to read great books ~ Jeffrey